Thoughts about (and remedies for) the flu

I have been remiss in waiting so long to write about the flu. So long, in fact, that the flu is already subsiding, according to the CDC. See below. I apologize. The minute I would sit down to do it, I would receive an acute call and I was distracted from my purpose. So here it is at long last:

Top 5 reasons not to panic about the flu:

1. The flu season is winding down.
2. If you contract the flu, you will have natural lifelong antibodies to H1N1, protecting you for life.
3. You have the skills, knowledge and support to care for your family with homeopathy.
4. There are homeopathic remedies that can prevent the flu and others that can treat the flu if you get it.
5. I have a flu kit for sale with the 7 most common flu remedies in 2 potencies. Have it on hand just in case, and you won’t need to hunt down any remedies in the middle of the day or night.

There is an epidemic of fear right now about the H1N1 flu, with a lot of news coverage reporting deaths and extreme urgency to get the flu shot. This urgency for vaccination is driven by the fact that, in western medicine, there is no cure for the flu. There is only the possibility of prevention.

Like earthquakes in California, doctors and scientists worldwide are always on the lookout for a major flu pandemic that is equivalent to “big one”, such as occurred in 1918, in which 500 million people contracted the influenza virus, and 20-40 million people died worldwide. I respect and deeply appreciate the seriousness of this concern.

Flu viruses are highly adaptable and mutable. They change and reassort themselves as they find new hosts to occupy. Under normal circumstances, the flu virus changes a little bit from year to year, its proteins changing slightly. The virus is recognizable to our immune systems because we develop antibodies to the influenza viruses we encounter from year to year.

The influenza virus resides largely in humans, wild fowl, swine and horses. In general, humans do not contract the flu from animals and vice versa. In very rare situations, a human will contract an avian, swine or equine virus, which can then reassort itself with the human flu RNA in our cells, and a major shift can occur in the virus. This is the red flag for a major flu pandemic, when the resulting flu virus is so different from previous flu viruses that our antibodies don’t recognize the new swine, avian or equine virus at all, and have very little to no defense.

This type of pandemic has two aspects; contagiousness, and pathogenicity (mortality). In 2009, there was a swine flu pandemic that had the same kind of fear-driven media coverage that we are experiencing now. Looking back at the data, it turned out that the H1N1 virus of 2009 was highly contagious, but with low mortality. Though we are hearing about some mortality, even here in our community, the rates are much lower than in a pandemic such as 1918.

In the 1918 pandemic, homeopaths had an excellent cure rate in influenza, much higher than allopathic physicians. Allopathic medicine has obviously evolved a lot since then, but in truth, there is still not a lot to be done allopathically in the face of an influenza pandemic. Homeopathic remedies have stood the test of time, and continue to be profoundly effective at treating and curing the flu, and saving lives.

“Dr. H. A. Roberts (homeopath) was a physician on a troop ship at the time. Another boat pulled alongside to get any spare coffins- it’s mortality rate was so high. On his return to port, the commander said to Roberts, “used all your coffins?” To which Roberts, who had been treating his ship with homeopathy, replied, “Yes, and lost not one man!”

There is great protection offered in getting the swine flu in its mild form, as this creates antibodies toward H1N1 viruses. If this virus should mutate into a more dangerous version of the flu, people with these anti-bodies will be much more protected. This from the 2009 pandemic:

“If this virus circles the globe as the rather innocent influenza it now appears to be, but mutates and returns as a very virulent form of influenza, it will be quite wonderful and life-saving to have formed antibodies against its [] version. These antibodies may be far from 100% protective, but they will help. This is incredibly important but being ignored in the interest of expediency. Tamiflu is a very powerful drug with little proven efficacy against this bug, and with its major side effect being tummy upset, and possible psychiatric side effects.”Dr. Jay Gordon, pediatrician

I urge you to print the list below of common flu remedies. I have a kit available with all of these remedies in 2 potencies if you wish to purchase it to have it on hand. It is my honest belief that the last thing you want to do if you come down with the flu is to get in your car and drive somewhere to hunt down a remedy. Have it on hand!

Most effective strategies for good immune health and flu prevention:

1 Maintain proper Vitamin D levels
2 Consider chronic or "constitutional" homeopathic care
3 Reduce stress
4 Decrease sugar
5 Sleep 8 hours a night

Remedies in flora & fauna flu kit:

Arsenicum Album in influenza:  Influenza with vomiting and diarrhea. Keynotes: Restless, fastidious (cleaning up even while sick!). Anxiety, needs company. Burning pains, discharges. Thirst for small sips. Chilly; face is hot, but body is chilled. Thirsty for small sips. Vomiting or diarrhea, or both simultaneously. Worse 12 to 1 a.m., cold in any form, drafts. Better from warmth.

Bryonia Alba in influenza: Aggravated by motion Keynotes: Much worse from motion, aversion to any effort or motion. Gradual onset. Slowly progressing influenza with severe aching. Irritable, averse to answering questions. Wants to be left alone. Very thirsty, wants large gulps at intervals. Sweats profusely with the fever. Wants to brace against movement for security (holds chest while coughing). Better from heat, lying still.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum in influenza: Severe aching Keynotes: High fever with severe, unbearable aching. Intense pain in the bones and/or chilled to the bone. Violent shaking with chills. Restless with pain. Chilled but wants cold drinks or food. Lack of sweat with a fever. Moaning and groaning.

Gelsemium in influenza: Tremendous weakness Keynotes: Extreme weakness, weariness, debility and sleepiness. Slow onset of fever over a few days. Weakness and heaviness of head, limbs and eyelids. Desire to lie down, can hardly sit up. Can’t keep eyes open. Trembling. Chills up and down the back. Thirstless. Headache in the back of the head which may extend to the forehead. Better from lying down.

Nux Vomica in influenza: Extreme chills Keynotes: Sensitivity to all stimuli; light, noise, odors, etc. Even skin can feel sensitive. High fever with rapid onset. Horrible, intense chills and shaking. Chills from uncovering of from the slightest motions of air under the covers. Severe headache. Can be irritable and impatient. May be preoccupied with work, though very sick. Better warmth and hot drinks.

Oscillococcinum in influenza: Flu prevention and first sign of flu. Keynotes: First sign of flu or flu-like illness. Early in illness, symptoms are vague, and do not point to another flu remedy. General malaise, fever, aching, chills, headache.

Rhus Toxicodendron in influenza: Aching and restlessness Keynotes: Influenza with anxiety, anguish, aching and restlessness. Fever can originate from being chilled. Very chilly from being uncovered or from drafts. Aching and stiffness, with a desire to stretch. Pains better from nearly constant movements. Burning thirst. Much better from warmth and warm things.

Be well!


Practice note:

Please give my name to mom’s groups or parent groups that you may know. I’d love to speak to your group of moms about how to use homeopathy at home for family wellness throughout the year.

Learn more about flora & fauna classical homeopathy and Alexis White.

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