Prevent insect bites naturally

This summer I have had many people ask me about coping with insect bites that get very inflamed or irritated, in addition to a general susceptibility to insect bites. It seems some people are just yummier to mosquitoes than others.

Prevention is not the common usage of homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are generally chosen based on symptoms that already exist, not given in advance (prophylactically) for an expected or possible problem. Remedies are usually chosen using the “like cures like” rule, gathering symptoms and matching them to a remedy with those same symptoms. However, like flu prevention, this is a situation in which we can use homeopathic remedies as a preventive measure.

My colleague Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH is a homeopath, author and educator in Berkeley. He recently sent me some information on a product called Mozi-Q, which prevents frequency and severity of insect bites. I am excited to pass this information along to help with the irritation and annoyance of summer bites. I hope this helps you and your family.

Link to Dana Ullman’s website and product page for Mozi-Q:

I look forward to seeing some of you at my upcoming Fall classes at Pediatric Alternatives in Mill Valley. If you’d like more information on these classes, please email me using the link below.

Be well,


My favorite home guide to homeopathy by Dana Ullman:

Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines 

by Stephen Cummings, MD and Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH.

The 2004 edition of the most popular family homeopathic guidebook in the world, this book teaches step-by-step how to select the correct homeopathic remedy for numerous common ailments and injuries. It also tells you when medical care is necessary and when it is safe to use homeopathy yourself.  This book provides guidelines for when medical care is indicated immediately, when medical care should be sought within 24 hours, or when medical care should be sought “sometime soon” (but no immediacy is required).  These guidelines can be very helpful to individuals and to parents.

“This book provides a clear, readable, accurate presentation of the principles of homeopathic treatment. It will help people decide when this important form of alternative medicine is appropriate and most like to be effective.”

–Andrew Weil, M.D.

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